Tuesday, October 11, 2005


What was the last book that you DID NOT finish?

We always hear people talk about the latest “page turner”...a book that was so compelling they couldn’t put it down until they’d read the whole thing from front to back. But what about the other extreme? What was the last book you started with high hopes but didn’t finish? Why didn’t you finish it? Do you think you'll ever go back and try to finish it? Why or why not? Did you recommend it to someone else anyway? Did they finish it?

The last book I started but did not finish is Charisma vs. Charismania by Chuck Smith. It is about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It emphasizes a biblically based approach to understanding how we are to react to the Holy Spirit. I was reading it because it is required by our church for those who want to serve in the church, to move up to the next level of servanthood. The reason I stopped reading it is that I suddenly decided to add more work to my already busy weeks. In spring this year I started a landscape nursery in my backyard and have spent most of my spare time either working in it, reading books about it or doing online research. So I am stuck at level 2 servanthood in the church for awhile. Eventually I will get back to the book. I didn't stop reading it for a lack of interest. But I will definately have to start back at the beginning.
I have 2 books - Runaway Jury and Message in a Bottle - probably because I had already seen the movie. I do want to read them. Also, A Beautiful Mind for the same reason, however I didn't even really get started on that one. The words were really small and the pages were really big in that book, so it just seemed hard to read!
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