Sunday, June 18, 2006


What Would You Do As A Lotto Winner?

The MegaMillions and the Power Ball Lotteries often get up into the nine figures. Let's take this question in three parts.

#1 Tell us five things you would you do if you won such a ridiculously large amount of money?

#2 What about the publicity? Would you hold a press conference to announce your luck or keep it all on the downlow?

#3 How would your day-to-day life change as a result of winning the lottery?

This question was suggested by Cheryl you think she's looking for ideas on how to spend her unannounced winnings? :-)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Have You Ever Wanted To Take Your Words Back As Soon As You'd Said Them?

It seems all too easy to open one's mouth before engaging one's brain. When that happens the words flow out and seem all too likely to hurt someone. Have you ever said something and, as soon as you'd spoken the words, wanted to snatch them back because you had callously hurt another person's feelings?

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Where would you travel if you could?

There are a thousand things that keep us from traveling and a thousand more excuses we make so that we won't have to travel. If nothing stood in your way where (on Earth) would you travel and why would you go there? If you could take any one person with you who would it be and why?


Have you "grown apart" from friends you thought would be there forever?

Blood brothers swear to stay friends for life. Sorority sisters share a bond that is supposed to join them for the rest of their lives. But it doesn't always work out that way. Did you have a friend who you thought would be there forever but from whom you drifted apart? Do you think it was your fault or theirs or no ones? Do you think you can ever recapture that friendship? If not, then why not? If yes, then to what lengths would you go to do so?


What were you thinking about at your high school graduation?

Graduation from high school is, to many people, like walking through a door from childoohd to adulthood. What thoughts were going through your mind as you graduated? Were you happy high school was over or were you nervous about entering the world at large? Were you hanging on every word from your valadictorian or were you making jokes with the person sitting next to you at the ceremony?


Have you lied to protect someone?

We've often heard of "white lies"...those lies that are small or those lies told to spare someone's feelings or protect them from facts they need not know. Have you lied to someone in an effort to protect them from the truth? Did they eventually find out the truth anyway? What did they think of you for lieing to them in the first place?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


What was the last book that you DID NOT finish?

We always hear people talk about the latest “page turner”...a book that was so compelling they couldn’t put it down until they’d read the whole thing from front to back. But what about the other extreme? What was the last book you started with high hopes but didn’t finish? Why didn’t you finish it? Do you think you'll ever go back and try to finish it? Why or why not? Did you recommend it to someone else anyway? Did they finish it?

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Did you enjoy school?

From age 6 to age 18 nearly all Americans spend a third of their lives in school. Overall, did you enjoy your time in school? Were you a good student or a slacker? Were you the class clown or the brainy geek? Were you the teacher's pet or kid smoking behind the gym?

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


How has your life been different than what you'd imagined?

As kids we all make big plans for our future....Fire Fighters, Doctors, Astronauts...but few of us actually turn those plans into reality. What did you want to be when you grew up? What did you actually become? When did you realize that your real life wasn't going the way your earlier self imagined and why do you think you let that dream slip away? Or, if you did achieve your childhood career goal, how did you do it when so many of us fail?


What is your earliest memory?

Please tell us about your earliest memory. What was it? How old were you? Why do you think you remembered this particular person, event, or object? Have you ever dicussed this memory with someone else who was there and did they remember it differently?


Who was the most important person in your life?

Please tell us about the most important person in your life. How did you meet them or how are you related to them? How did they influence your life and are you better off or worse off as a result of their influence or actions?


What was the saddest moment of your life?

Please tell us about the saddest moment of your life, the people or events that made it so sorrowful, and how it changed your life or your perceptions.


What was the happiest moment of your life?

Please tell us about the happiest moment of your life, the people or events that made it so wonderful, and how it changed your life or your perceptions.

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